Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pie Did It!!!!

I have to admit something: I have never made a pie. I will say it again: I have never made a pie. I really have no excuse except pure fear. And once I went gluten free, I ruled out any future pie-making days. But I am happy to report that my pie baking days have just begun (to the glee of my husband's stomach)!

Today I conquered my first pie — and it was gluten free at that! "Gluten free pie," you say, "don't you mean fruit sandwiched between two cardboard layers?" Let me tell you, this pie was delicious. And the crust was so good you could eat the ends without the fruit to dress it up and it tasted like any great pie crust with gluten. Even my pie-expert father-in-law agreed. I had several farmer's market peaches and a pint of blueberries that was perfect for this project. I think peaches and blueberries are the perfect match for each other, especially in the summertime.

I will admit the dough was a little tricky to get into the pie tin. I am not sure if that is because I am a pie novice or it was the GF crust. It rolled out well, but I had some trouble transferring it and had to start rolling it out all over again. It then came together enough for me to be able to seal up some of the cracks with a little water on my fingers. This would also be delicious as a lattice top pie, perhaps I will try that one next.

Gluten Free Peach Blueberry Pie

Crust: (This makes a bottom and full top crust).

Make this mix in a separate bowl or large container — you will have a little left over (and enough to use on the bench/table/parchment)
1 cup white rice flour
1 cup brown rice flour
2/3 cup potato starch
1/3 cup tapioca starch
2 cup plus 4 Tbsp rice flour mix
2 tsp xanthan gum
a pinch of salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 stick butter, cut into small cubes and frozen for about 20 mins
1/2 cup shortening (I use vegetable shortening from Whole Foods or Crisco)
1/2 cup cold seltzer
4 tsp cider vinegar

In food processor, add flour mix, xanthum, salt, sugar. Pulse to combine. Add butter and shortening and pulse until butter turns into course meal. Combine seltzer and vinegar in container, slowly pulse this in until dough comes together.

Split dough in half (actually have one a little big larger than the other, that will be your bottom crust), place each on a lightly floured piece of waxed or parchment paper. Cover with another piece and stick in freezer for at least 30 minutes.


4-5 ripe farmer's market peaches, peeled by blanching, and cut into slices
smidgen nutmeg
smidgen cinnamon
1 pint blueberries, any stems removed
1 tbsp lemon
1/4 cup Minute Tapioca
3/4 cup sugar

Combine above ingredients in large bowl, mixing gently to combine (try not to break apart peaches). Let stand at least 15 minutes.

I used a 10" glass Pyrex pie pan (supposedly glass helps crusts to brown better than others). For the next several steps, I turned to Cooks Illustrated notes on pie making for some advice. I rolled out the bottom of the pie crust to a round circle about 3 inches larger than the circumferences of my pie dish. I rolled it right out on some floured parchment, but you could do it right on a floured counter as well. You may have to sprinkle on some flour to the dough if it starts to stick to the rolling pin. Using a bench scraper, loosen the bottom of the dough from the paper, carefully roll part of the dough onto the rolling pin to transfer it over to the pie tin. Gently mold the dough into the tin so it sits flush against the bottom and edges. Snip off the major excess of the dough. Spoon the filling--juices and all--right into the pie tin. Now roll out your top crust, add to the top and flute the edges. Cut 4 vents to let out the steam. I used a egg wash and dusted the top with sugar so it would brown up nicely.

I refrigerated the pie (uncovered) for 30 minutes, which was a tip I read on a gluten free blog. This helps to prevent shrinkage of the dough.

Preheat oven to 500. Place the pie on a cookie sheet on the bottom rack of the oven. Turn heat down to 425. Set timer for 20-25 minutes or until crust is a nice light golden brown (make sure to check on it). Rotate cookie sheet to other side so pie cooks evenly. Turn heat down to 375. Cook for another 20-25 minutes. My edges were browning a bit too fast so I covered the edges with foil to prevent burnage. Once pie is nicely browned and juices are bubbling, remove from oven and place on cooling rack for at least 2 hours.
